Amortized lead storage batteries in environment - problem and solution ways

Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Lili Arabuli, UG

The composition of amortized lead storage batteries (complicated system of monoblocks – body, electrolyte, lead electrodes, lead oxides, and lead sulphate) stipulates the necessity of elaboration of such technological schemes of their reprocessing that will provide maximum environmental safety and economic efficiency. This is depended to a great extent on the factors, such as: quantity of raw materials, territorial distribution, accessibility of energy carriers, and market demand for marketable co-products obtained in the
manufacturing process etc.
At present two basic options of recycling of amortized lead storage batteries are known:
1. The melting of the entire monoblocks released from acid in the presence of some reducing agent in the furnaces of different kind;
2. Preliminary mechanical dismantling of monoblocks and further reprocessing of obtained (organic, metallic and oxide-sulphate) semi-products by means of pyrometallurgical, hydrometallurgical and hydro-electro-metallurgical operations.
